Sunday, February 15, 2009


Two good friends of mine are getting married coming June! I am so excited! Several reasons to why I am so excited:

#1 They are one of my first few friends who are getting married.

#2 Both Mei (bride-to-be) and Alexander (groom-to-be) are match made by myself and my two BFFs- Jing and Hui :)

#3 I get to spend a holiday back in Kuching with all my friends once again!! *woots*

You see, Jing and Hui have been my best friends, my partners in crime during lecture classes, my shopping kakis, my gossip partners, my cooking mates, my toilet companies... and the list goes on. We do everything- literally everything together back then while we were in graduate school. Mei was another course mate whom we got closer to as time passed. All four of us stayed under the same roof for a year. On the other hand, since I've started working, I've always tried to catch up with old times but never had the chance to. Their wedding this time gives me the opportunity to return to Kuching for a holiday :)

p/s: I can't wait till June comes!


  1. hehe....bibubibu....turn me to drop a message here.Dear dear....we got chance to meet again lo. I also cant wait June comes!!!!! Woh....our frends wana get marry o....SO excited....Happy Happy...YEAH YEAH....dear...miss u...HUGS...

  2. can't wait to see all of you in june! :)
